Shannon is Strange
10/12/2024 @ 12:00p
LOCATION:   The Loge    
GENRE:   Narrative Short

Shannon is Strange –  16:48 Minutes

Director: Don Hessell, Alan LaFave

A phone call sends Shannon through a labyrinth on her way to an epic showdown with the elusive Jack. Will she succeed or fail at her quest? What we know for sure is that Shannon Is Strange.

Embark on a Bowie-inspired odyssey that celebrates deep tracks, eclectic friends, playful diversions, and the underdog in a small town.

Don Hessell
Alan LaFave
Don Hessell
Alan LaFave
Don Hessell
Alan LaFave
Shannon Hardy
Key Cast
Jack Horrigan
Key Cast
Jessica McQuarter
Key Cast
Jordan Pries
Key Cast
Deon Baranek
Key Cast
“The Thief”
Don Hessell
Director of Photography
EMOTIONS:     Amused     Confused     Intrigued

TOPICS:     Art     Slice of Life

TYPE:     Comedy     Drama