Red Velvet
10/12/2024 @ 2:00p
LOCATION:   The Loge    
GENRE:   Narrative Short

Red Velvet –  18:50 Minutes

Director: Danielle Gibson

If being black was chocolate ice cream, and being Latina was cherry, the world sees Aviva Ardor as a Swirl of the two. After searching for personal connection and understanding, Aviva must accept herself as a blended whole.


Danielle Gibson
Danielle Gibson
Shu Sugarman Chang
Taylor Leighanne
Key Cast
“Aviva Ardor”
Isaac Andrade
Key Cast
Rafeala Garcia
Key Cast
Jennifer Nwene
Key Cast
Haobo Wang
Director of Photography
Yi Roy Yang
EMOTIONS:     Amused     Informed     Inspired     Intrigued

TOPICS:     Controversy     Slice of Life

TYPE:     Drama