Have a Good Day
10/12/2024 @ 9:45p
LOCATION:   CAMEO Art House Theatre    
GENRE:   Narrative Short

Have a Good Day  – 27:38 Minutes

Director: Lisa Soper

In the bustling home of horror writer Jodi Sloan (LUCY DAVIS), she battles creative block by exploring gripping ideas, only to discard them in absurd ways. On one particularly uninspired day, Ben, (ERIC JOHNSON) her overly optimistic mailman interrupts her solitary routine delivering not only her mail but also a cup of tea, eerily tailored to her tastes. Despite Jodi’s discomfort, she engages in awkward yet polite conversation, mirroring the contrived nature of her writing.

As night falls, a sinister masked figure lurks outside. Though initially dismissing it, she finds herself haunted by its presence in her dreams, awakening to genuine fear. Determined to harness her terror, Jodi channels her emotions into her writing, only to be confronted by a voice questioning her authenticity. Ignoring the criticism, she faces the masked figure, only to realize its horrifying reality. In a deadly struggle, Jodi and the intruder collide, leaving both bleeding on the floor.

As dawn breaks, Jodi lies lifeless lays on the floor. In a chilling twist, Ben, now clad in her clothes, fervently types away at her computer, shedding the superficial persona he once wore. Removing an eye patch to reveal an unblemished eye, he acknowledges his transformation, leaving behind the facade of Jodi’s fame. With a nod to a magazine featuring her as a famous model, Ben embraces his newfound freedom, reclaiming his identity and natural writing skills.

Lisa Soper
Lisa Soper
Shane Boucher
Megan Inwood
Lucy Davis
Key Cast
Eric Johnson
Key Cast
EMOTIONS:     Confused     Inspired     Intrigued     Scared

TOPICS:     Slice of Life

TYPE:     Crime     Drama     Horror