Darcine’s Day
10/12/2024 @ 2:00p
LOCATION:   CAMEO Art House Theatre    
GENRE:   Narrative Short

Darcine’s Day – 16:15 Minutes

Director: Aaron Goffman

We spend the day with Darcine Thomas (Kyla Diane Kennedy), divorced and jobless, as she strives to thrive, and survive, in post-pandemic Los Angeles. She plans to start a new business that would help those living on the street, and struggles to find her own new job, but hits obstacles at every turn. She ends her day in the most surprising – and tragic – of places.

Aaron Goffman
Aaron Goffman
Jeaneth Goffman
Kyla Diane Kennedy
Key Cast
Brent Huff
Key Cast
“A Very Smart Man”
Elizabeth Lamboy-Wilson
Key Cast
“Social Worker”
Joe Hackett
Key Cast
“Apartment Manager”
Vicki Browder-Johnson
Key Cast
Karla Paola Cortez
Key Cast
Mark Doering-Powell, ASC
Sophia Doering-Powell
Costume Designer
EMOTIONS:     Intrigued     Sad     Surprised

TOPICS:     Controversy     Health     Slice of Life

TYPE:     Drama